a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Saturday, January 10, 2009


I have tried so carefully to guard them, to stop you from knowing. I am sure you have some idea about me. Having enjoyed many posts with Ten Things You Do Not Know About Me, I now present mine!

#1 I was born writing. Every time I clean a paper area, I find snippets of writing. Some I throw away, others I rejoice in their finding. My greatest wish would be that the snippets could be combined into a treasure like Margaret Mitchell's. It is amazing to note the changes in my life through my writings. I have written journals through the years and have destroyed them! If the piece makes it through my several bouts of thinning, it is copied into a hard back journal. It is amazing that I can read the stages of my life in these writings.

#2 I have a very different(sick) sense of humor. The things I find hilarious are just sometimes plain sick...but I still laugh. I like to play jokes, I like to scare people, I enjoy teasing. My husband fits right in...he has saran wrapped the toilet seat, oiled the commode ring, and put duct tape in my underwear! I topped him on that one and used clear double sided tape in his, like no one is going to see Duct tape in your underwear as you are pulling them on.

#3 I like to create... The stranger, the better. I have "Caution! Hard Hat Area" painted on the floor of my closet! Another Day Another Load is painted(again on the floor) all glittery and quite wonderfully, in front of my laundry section. The ceiling of my laundry area is old rusty barn tin, yes, exactly what I wanted. The floor is wooden but painted to look like mortared stone work.

#4 I like to paint...I would not call it art. I, much to my sister's chagrin, paint over old canvases of mine to paint another! I have only been painting about eight years because I never thought I could. To me painting is not the finished project but the act of doing. I let the paints take over and am not aware until it's finished. I first started painting on cardboard and wood or whatever was available. When I got my first real canvas, it was so white and pretty, I could not paint! I did not want to mess it up.

#5 I like horses...whoa, big surprise there! I have always wanted horses but never allowed to have one cause tractors don't eat when they are not working. This is not a secret, so let me think, what about this might you not know. I wrote a poem about wanting to be a horse when I was very young.

#6 I have had a Strange Light experience...recently. Three in the morning, watching the two planet/stars that will not be seen again with the naked eye for any years in my lifetime, a light appeared. Okay, so is it someone spotlighting, someone trespassing, a helicopter looking for dope...none of the above. No noise of engines or of anything reaches my ears. The layout of our land does not allow for what this light was doing. I could not find the source. It was the brightest light I have ever seen, a halogen would be a match light, to this thing. It grew, I am still trying to see where it is coming from, not from above, no sounds, in fact, the night had become supernaturally quiet. The Hill behind was dark but from that hill to the trees beside the house, it was light. It was a horizontal light because the back of the trees were bathed in light while the front was buried in shadow. From the tops of the trees to the ground I could see things better than in daylight. The distance covered with light toward me would have been a five minute walk. There was no end to the width, that reached over to the next hill. The light had not moved but rather grown from my right to my left. I do not know the time that lapsed and considered searching for the source. I stood in awe of this wondrous light for an unknown time. I thought I must wake my husband. When he came out, the light was gone and it was so dark again. It was hard to imagine the acreage that had been lighted. I suspect my husband thought I had jumped over the edge. He did call me the next day from work and say many people had reported the same light in several COUNTIES and the answer was a helicopter...right!!! I make no claims to what I saw. I watched and enjoyed the wonder of it and gave it no name.

#7 I believe pets are here for our convenience and not for theirs. I love, I care, I cuddle, I spoil but they will listen or die!!! No, I'm kidding on the last part. Guess this has something to do with being raised on a farm. If a dog catches chickens, it dies. They will listen to me! Now if I had been that way with my children...

#8 I believe there is a God, a Higher Being, Someone greater than the combined total of us that is in charge. I am closer to God in the woods than I am in church. I try to demonstrate my faith in my daily living. I admire and try to practice the beliefs of caring for the land and it will care for you. I judge no one in their beliefs. That is the wonder of our life, we are free to believe and speak...Thank God!

#9 I now admire the people that have done this before me even more. This is not easy. Bearing your soul in fear that some how they will no longer listen to your words.

#10 I am drawn to darkness. I love the writings of those considered insane. I have found in all that darkness there are bits of light that I need to see.

Now, will you still visit with me?


Carla said...

I so get it all! Especially the behave or die for pets (shame we can't use that on children-jk of course;)
1. I love can tell you are a writer
2. Bet your a blast to be around
3. How cool your home is all yours and you feel free enough to do it your way! (bet its a wonderful sight to see)
4. I love that you shared your painting with dad story, makes me feel almost brave enough to try-love that your creations don't have to stay forever, and can be created 'upon' (most artist let their desire for recognition get in the way, you however, have managed to be 'above' that. Quite a lesson there)
5. Of course you wanted to be a horse:)
6. TOO COOL!!!
7. Animals must behave or die-think we could use that on the human-children-animals???
8. I can see your love for God in your posts
9. You go girl!! Takes alot of thought doesn't it?
10. dark and gloomy-that's what I love-we are really connected! Love this quote "I have found in all that darkness there are bits of light that I need to see."
You go Gail!

Gigi Ann said...

I'm here aren't I?!?! I'm here for the long haul. I don't think I could think of ten things about myself. I'm not a very interesting person. But, I'm happy that way. ;)

Christy said...

Very interesting stuff! The light sounds really wild. I am drawn to the dark too, I love reading dark stuff.

Melanie said...

Yep. That's it!! I am never coming back now that you have bared all your dark, deep secrets to us!!! I am just kidding of course! :)

We all suspected that you were a creative, artistic person, with a twisted sense of humor, so what is not to like??? LOL!!

I have seen strange things in the sky before too, and I just chalk it up to weird stars colliding, or falling, or whatever it is that they do. Who knows though???
Thanks for sharing your secrets with us! I will be back.

Tiffany said...

I absolutely still want to visit with you, I love your writings and your sense of humor... I think we must be long lost twins because I can relate to almost every single one of these, except the light thing, although I doubt it was a helicopter! It's okay, let them think what they want. Oh, and the painting thing, I've never painted one single thing except rooms in a house. It scares me what would happen if I unleashed my creativity.
Hey, ben gay makes for good practical jokes, I'll leave it to your imagination to figure out what to do with it LOL

Grammy said...

dito on all the above. I love the tape ideal. I think I will put saran wrap on the toilet seat. I made a red felt arrow and put it on the flush handle. I will take a picture and show you. I have hundreds of things I do not share. My mom made me keep my mouth shut as a kid. So I don't speak much till I get to know a person. Was how I started out. Now I don't shut up. I think we could have fun together. Your hubby would send me back home. lol.

Veronica said...

I'll still be here. :)

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Yep. You're an odd one, Gail. If you weren't, then I'd not have anything to do with you. hehe

I like my friends a little bit crazy. I, too appreciate the writings of the insane. Many of the craziest peoplehave been the most brilliant.

I, too, paint, and am too scared to paint on a clean white canvas, for fear of messing it up. Must be a childhood hold-back...

I love your nutty, sarcastic sense of humor. It doesn't carry as well via internet, though, I've discovered. People tend to take others at face value and get confused by sarcasm, so I've curtailed my wackiness myself.
In person, with the right friends around, I can let it rip, though. I love to laugh until I snort. Don't you?

I don't trust people who don't belly laugh. Polite laughter is just rude...and amazingly boring.

Well, you know I'll be back.

You know I just come of your Music playback list right?
If you check your stat counter, you'd see my ISP stuck on your site for hours. I just pull up your site so I can relax and listen. :D

~Take Care my nutty friend,

Anonymous said...

I'll be back too! Thanks for sharing Gail! :)

LindaG said...

I agree that we are closer to God outside than in a church.
Very good post. So strange about the light!

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