a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Friday, February 27, 2009

SkyWatch and Febreze

My hubby is an amazing yet trying man, if I haven't mentioned that. He does all the farm work he can from the seat of his tractor but rarely, rarely does he do house work.

So this question had me wondering...do we have any of that febreze stuff? I said what stinks. He said where is it. After giving him the location of one bottle he quickly locates the other bottle. Now this has my curiosity peaked. What is this man thinking?

I stepped into his tv room and he was spraying the dog, Maggie!!!! He said she stinks. I said brush her and the smell will go away. He continues to spray her and asked me if I had sprayed her. No, I did not think of it. Well, she acts like you sprayed her.

I leave them to their smell party. Then Den comes in and says, while standing in front of the vacuum, where is the vacuum cleaner. I said I don't know and he locates one, not the one in front of him, but the one in another room.

Then you're not going to believe this...he vacuums the whole tv room and may have vacuumed Maggie too, I did not stay to watch.

I am in shock!

Wonderful, sweet, hubby is cleaning the tv room!!! He even spot cleaned the couch!!!

I step into a hair free, clean smelling room, with Maggie out of site.

I think this guy is a keeper!


Rudee said...

Amazing AND trying? Imagine that! Looking at the farm equipment, I think you should be grateful he didn't just knock the walls down once he got going. Did you find the dog?

Tiffany said...

Hooray for Hubby!!!! Your organizing, cleaning bug must be rubbing off on him lol

Grammy said...

I love your sky view and equipment view. Your Hubby is a keeper.

SkippyMom said...

Febreezing the DOG?

My husband is NOT allowed to read your site. But, yeah, I have experienced the vacuum cleaner phenonemon before...hee.

<---shaking her head and muttering "freebreezing the dog, i have heard it all on the interwebs" sigh.

Tina said...

Yep! He sure sounds like a keeper...even if he didn't clean..I think he has been a keeper for u!
Febreezing the dog..that's a new idea..not sure your local vet would approve but it might work!! lol. Interesting post you have today :)

Rottlady of the Ozarks said...

That's one for the books! Fabreezing the dog is a new one for me too! Yes that guy is definitely a keeper!

Carla said...

ok, greeting you with a home cooked meal, deodarizing the dog, cleaning the room? Have you had any UFO sightings lately? This switched out hubby maybe a keeper!

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

You know the house smells bad when hubby wants to clean it! lol!

My hubby cleaned the bathroom downstairs last week. He said, "I just can't stand it anymore' lol!

Yay for hubbies who notice stink and fifth!


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