a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Jogging The Old Memory Banks...

After reading a wonderfully humourous entry by Journaling Woman about WPP, I had to tell this true tale of mistaken identity....so blame her.

For years my sister, Beverly, lived out of state.  She returned and opened a real estate business, while I still worked for (and always have) the postal service.  We were then about the same weight (before the love of sweets attacked me), same height, same coloring, blue eyes and same length of hair but also very different in appearance.

Beverly began to report problems.  "A big hairy man grabbed me at the meat counter and swung me around and said he was so glad to see me, I said put me down!"  I said, oh, that was Hokie, haven't seen him for awhile, he's back, how is he?  She stiffly said I did not ask.

People would stop her and ask her postal questions.  She went to a furniture store in another town and the guy was following her grinning and just talking.  She asked, do I know you.  He laughed and said why, yes, I sold you two recliners yesterday.  No, she said, I have never been in this store.  When they talked, they discovered it had been me in uniform.  The guy said I thought you were Gail with her clothes on!

I, with my weird sick sense of humor, thought this was all wonderfully funny.  It opened some doors for me, I could do things and deny it!  I could say oh, that was my sister...

I began to feel sorry for her and had a shirt made for her birthday.  Bright red with "I am Beverly" on the front and "I am not Gail" on the back.  Beverly made sure she always wore it to town.

Darn, when I think of the things I could have done...


Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

What fun ya'll must of had blowin' peoples minds! The shrit....great, Gail.

Have a fun day and may God bless it to bits!

Carla said...

lol! Reminds me of the games twins play:)

Lori E said...

I had my own doppelganger in high school. People would always call out to me by the other girls name. It was a little unnerving and I wondered if they also called her by my name. We didn't really know each other and I also didn't see the resemblance.
I bet you were a bit of a...hmmm what is a nice word for brat?....when you were little.

Kate/High Altitude Gardening said...

Oh, how funny! This one made me smile. Thanks for sharing. :)

Vickie said...

You could have had alot of fun, girl! You must really be a very sweet lady to not take advantage and play silly tricks on your sister!

I always enjoy Marcy's art!

ohiofarmgirl said...

That is too funny!!! I bet she was so startled by all the attention from strangers!! Have a blessed day. Dianntha

T. Powell Coltrin said...

I just want to say, IT'S NOT MY FAULT...your story telling. Very funny story, Gail. I think sisters were put here for our amusement, depending on which sister you are. Funnnnny.

Rudee said...

How fun is that? I like to think I'd have done something outrageous in her name.

Pat said...

That is too funny! And I have a twin sister - but nobody would ever mistake us for the other one! How funny is that?

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